Selected Report Year "All" and Report Type "All" contains large files.
* marks required fields
* Data Type
* Report Year
Data Availability
This database contains all itemized financial disclosure reports filed with NYSBOE from July of 1999 to the present.
Itemized Financial disclosure reports filed prior to the 1999 July Periodic report are either on file with the New York State
Archives or in storage with the New York State Board of Elections. For further information or to obtain copies of these
archived or stored disclosure reports, please call 1-800-458-3453. Note: Data does not include No Activity, In-Lieu-of or Notice of Non-Participation disclosure.
Electronically filed disclosure reports are generally available in the database on the day they are received.
Data Accuracy
Financial disclosure reports filed at NYSBOE are added to the database directly by submitting from the Electronic Filing Application.
Because database searched retrieve information exactly the way it is reported, search results may be inaccurate and/or incomplete.
This will occur, for example, if filers do not adhere to the required format, do not use the proper codes, misspell words or leave items blank.
Although NYSBOE carefully reviews disclosure reports and requires treasurers to submit amended reports as needed,
there will necessarily be delays before the review process is completed and the information in the database is corrected.
Database Files in Comma Seprated Value (CSV) Format
To match the disclosure report data files to Filer Names by filer ID you will need to Download the Filer data file (
is a zipped file containing the data file (commcand.csv) in CSV and a PDF file (FileFormatReferenceFiler.pdf)
contains the data file layout.
All downloadable files are zipped files containing eight data files in CSV format (STATE_CANDIDATE_ACTIVE.csv, STATE_CANDIDATE_INACTIVE.csv,
COUNTY_COMMITTEE_ACTIVE.csv, COUNTY_COMMITTEE_INACTIVE.csv) and a PDF file (FileFormatReference.pdf) contains the datafile layout.
Selected Report Year "All" and Report Type "All" contains large files.
Do not attempt to download these files unless you have a database to download the files to.